Thursday, December 18, 2008

Angel on MXit to support HIV/AIDS in South Africa

With the increase of AIDS deaths in South Africa, as part of the Angel project we decided to make relevant information available to users on MXit.

"South Africa is currently experiencing one of the most severe AIDS epidemics in the world. At the end of 2007, there were approximately 5.7 million people living with HIV in South Africa, and almost 1,000 AIDS deaths occurring every day."...

With technology in our hands we are able to empower those who are affected by HIV/AIDS and see how we can bring about the reconstruction of our nation through education on every possible platform. We hope with information and contact details at their fingertips on Angel (we will expand this over the next few weeks) that this will be a step in the right direction in educating our youth.

How to access Angel on MXit:

- Go to Menu
- Contacts
- Add Contacts
- MXit Services
- Add the following (Service Name: Angel, Nickname: Angel)
- Accept Contact

New Record

We had another great session today with our mailto:DAS@mxit.%20Lots of people where helped.Today we reached another record of people we helped.

Todays stats:262 conversations/people
:3106 messages

That is awesome!!!!!!

Thank you Jesus for a great session.All glory goes to you.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Find your Angel on MXit

Last Friday, 12 December 2008, at the graduation of The Reconstructed we launched a new 24hour service "Angel". The Angel project on MXit was birthed out of the need that many of our young people need to be informed about the dangers of substance abuse on a platform that they will be able to interact with. Angel is a collaboration between CPUT, MXit and Impact Direct that provides MXit users with information concerning: substance abuse, HIV/Aids, Abuse, depression, stress and coping. Each of these topics are then further explored. For example Substance Abuse have topics such as "What is Substance Abuse?, What is Addiction?, Type of Substances, Stages of drug dependency, Signs of Drug Use and categories of drugs. Under the Type of substances Angel gives more details about the most common drugs and this will be updated on a regular basis. Each of these substances are then further broken down. Each drug will be described and discussed (Street names, how it is used, characteristics, short term effects, long term effects and withdrawal symptoms).Other than just giving more information about the various topics Angel also provide a "Find your Angel" service which gives users of Angel contact numbers to various services in the different provinces. We realised that many people don't know where to go to for help when facing certain social issues and we're trying to help people especially our youth with the info in a way that they are comfortable with.Angel is an additional service to DAS (Drug Advice Support which only runs Tue and Thu 3-5pm) and runs 24/7 and no cost involved to subscribe to the service. We are excited to see how Angel will be used to change lives accross our nation.
Posted by Marlon at 12:03 AM 0 comments
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We had yet another excellent counselling session at DAS@mxit.It was surprisingly busy being a holiday and all.It just goes to show how many people out there is desperately seeking help.The Reconstructed Team has committed themselves to work throughout the holidays to supply these peoples needs.DAS@mxit will be running throughout the holidays and Festive season.Thank you guys for your committment and the love you show to the thousands out there.

The stats for yesterdays session:2168 messages
224 people/conversations

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.


I am so looking forward to today's session.Last week,s session went well with the new server.God is so faithful and HE will never let us down.I am quite curious to see what the stats will be at the end of today's session s it is a public holiday today.This will give us a more or less idea what the sessions will be like over next couple of weeks.Things can however change.Will have the stats of today's session on later.


DAS celebrates 10 000 conversations

Today Drug Advice Support (DAS)(using mobile instant messaging to offer advice and support for people at risk) has reached an incredible milestone of more than 10000 conversations(10 081 to be exactly) since our inception almost 5 months ago. This is a wonderful achievement as we've received more than 40 000 messages with over 4000 subscribers to our service. The use of technology with people who cares has made it possible to reach so many people across our nation and this is only the beginning. This service has proved that lives can be changed and that there is hope for our young people as we fight this battle of substance abuse and other social ills an instant message at a time.

As posted by Marlon Parker:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Changing lives one instant message at a time...

Today's DAS@mxit session went well today. We have broken another barrier in the DAS adventure. There were 268 people logged onto DAS@mxit today looking for someone to talk to about there problems. In the 2 hours there were 2650 messages that were exchanged.

God is in the business of changing peoples lives one instant message at a time!

Watch this space...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New barrier broken

Today we reached another milestone in the DAS@mxit adventure,we managed to handle over 2000 messages in 2 hours.

Over the past 4 months in the space of 80 hours DAS@Mxit have already handled over 30000 messages and more than 8000 conversations. Wow the stats speak for itself, over 8000 people received some sort of advice re. the problem they have.

Watch this space for further updates on the DAS@mxit adventure.


This is me in the DAS@MXIT counselling session at 16.00pm we manage to get 1185 messages and we ended the day off with 2008 messages.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

DAS@Mxit from server in USA

Today we ran the DAS session from a server based in USA. There were some improvements made to the system.

It seemed to be more stable and quicker with added functionalities. The guys enjoyed the session today.

We managed 309 conversations, over 2000 messages were exchanged and 12 new contacts added to the service. All this happened in only 2 hours.

I am truly blessed to be part of this project that is reaching so many people out there.